Friday, May 22, 2009

Taxes, Taxes, Retirement Flaws, Opportunity & Trust

Mercury is in Retrogade through the 30th. For those that follow such things it often means a time period of communication issues. I am always intrigued by the beliefs and paths from around the world.

Taxes #1 - there are two remaining tax advantaged ways of reducing taxes. One method can probably reduce taxes by about $20,000/month (at least) and that was a subject of an opportunity I've been e-mail back and forth with Cherif about. It should be interesting to see how that goes. I think I've identified an amazing opportunity to help people legally and legitimately reduce their taxes.

Taxes #2 - I know how any business can create 1.2 million dollars of write offs for every 2.4 million dollars of taxable revenue. Not offshore, its right in the IRS Tax code, it's not a loop hole, its solid and not going anyway anytime soon. No need for all the "offshore" grey area things that the government is going after. The strategy works for those who have $500,000 or more of taxable revenue. They have to be in a business or at least be able to structure what they do as a business, and not be a felon. That is an approximate gross savings of $480,000 per 1.2 million dollars, after costs, fees, setup and management, the net savings is about $400,000 or so. $$ that normally get sucked down the black whole of taxes. I'm charging folks a 3% residual fee on the gross savings for hooking them up with the only law firm in the country that knows how to do these things.

Tax strategy #1 & #2 - are simple, legal and it is interesting how few people know about them. I'm excited to make that information available to my clients. Of course, that $400,000+ savings is money that really should be put to work. I give folks a choice - 3% fee, or work with my team around putting those funds to work in Commercial Real Estate.

Retirement Flaw - and Retirement Failure - I've been working on a Power Point. Earlier this year I did a webinar with Lawrence and between the technical things and distractions and the cost - I realized - there has got to be a better way. There is!

I have been revamping our business plan and documentation. It is amazing how much work that can be to get it done right. The last 2 months I've been helping Lawrence and his wife Jeannie launch their new wellness center. It is Kismet because 24 years ago when we first met was a similar project. That has been wrapping up and I am transitioning back to the Money Team Project.

I created a little 4 slide PowerPoint I called 'Exposing the Retirement Flaw", or "Does your Retirement Plan have a Dirty Little Secret?" - I have evolved that to 13 slides and have been recording audio commentary. It is coming together nicely. As part of the process I discovered that Power Point does not embed audio and/or video, it "references" audio/video external to itself. Not a problem if you are running the presentation on your own system, but a huge issue if you are trying to send a Power Point with audio/video embedded.

I did some research and reviewed a lot of interesting options. I found a great little utility that combines and follows the Power Point Presentation and audio and turns it into a "Movie" clip, i.e. AVI type file. Simple, clean and reasonable cost. Problem solved. This also has the advantage that anyone on any platform can watch the presentation(s) without having to deal with Power Point.

I'm a bit conservative when it comes to spending $$ on stuff. My focus has always been on "value" rather than costs. I don't mind spending $$ on important things, I really am stunned at how much $$ most businesses, especially corporations waste.

I got a report in from AIG (a stock play I made), I'm thinking - why didn't they just e-mail me a PDF file, that report, sent out to all the stock holders must of cost a small future. It was cheap, black and white and I'm like - what a waste, no wonder they keep running into financial issues.

They waste money on things that do not matter. I know there are a bunch of MBA's making decisions there and yet, common sense seems to elude them. With proper use of technology there is no reason why businesses can't have a 1st class transparent and active communications with vendors, customers and investors without all the huge, worthless overhead. I know the printing industry doesn't like that, but geeze folks, "ice box" manufacturers went out of business because of "Refrigerator" technology.

Anyway - I am going to be selling the Retirement Flaw as an information product. I have some 30+ writing projects I have been developing over the last 5 years. This is mainly self help information in three primary areas of life 1) Finances and info to help those managing/facing financial disasters, 2) Personal relationships - specifically helping people develop a better dating/relationship model, 3) Personal Health & Fitness.

I'm 45 years old as of June 14 this year. I was born and raised in the Midwest on meat and potatoes. I love to eat, and a few years ago I was at 260 lbs, on the S.A.D. (standard American Diet), and I started having some health issues. (Not sure if I blogged about that here or not, I have several personal blogs out there, so if I am repeating anything here I apologize). One of the issues I had was High Blood pressure. Long story short, I healed that, and I also dropped my weight (effortlessly) to around 220/230 area where I've been at for the last year.

Thanks to Lawrence and his wife Jeannie I had a comprehensive nutritional blood screening and it turns out I have Type 2 Diabetes. That was a shock of sorts, but not surprising considering what I have learned over the last 4 weeks. It is my intention to heal my body of that. One nice thing about functioning as a team (a life team), that there is an on going give and take with the people you trust and care about in your life.

I took care of Lawrence's technology, he's taking care of my health. As of last week I hit a 20 year low in my weight of 205 lbs and feel great. I still love to eat, and I have simply created entirely new (and delicious) food recipes. I have a lot of self discipline anyway, but when it comes to food - I love to eat. As always, when I want to learn about or change something I have a simple process I follow. I developed this partly as an IT Consultant, and part with some spiritual life/growth changes over the last 7 years.

  1. When facing an "unknown" - good, or bad, I always trust that things are playing out for a higher purpose. I may not understand it, or see it, but I have learned to trust it.
  2. State my intention/desired outcome, this can show up in may ways, the term most people would recognize is "prayer", and there are many different ways of praying/approaches and they all work regardless of belief path/system. I've learned to have fun in this area of my life.
  3. Seek out information, resources, knowledge - and there is so much knowledge and information out there it is about what I call "tuning into Spirit" or following what I call my inner "peace" compass. The energy/inspiration leads the way. Opportunities open, or close - (i.e. #1 - trust), which leads me to #4.
  4. Follow the inspiration/energy and deal with what presents. Things that present (people, places, opportunities) these things I explore through to their logical conclusion, or until something "stops" or comes to an end. I don't mind "pushing" through things, but only if the inspiration is there to do that. (I know, I need to write a book about this stuff, its in the works.)
  5. Don't be attached to the outcome, people, places, or things - be open to unlimited possibilities, and honor the simple things like - trust, honor, integrity - and the foundation of all of that is "intention." That is what is important to me. Things change, businesses change - and that is the dynamics of life. But what is the intentions behind things that are going on - that is what I look for. Results show up, often in very unexpected and amazing ways. I call it the "wow" factor.

That was more than I was planning on sharing. Spiritual pathing is like that sometimes. You go with the flow. I remember when I first started testing these concepts out - years ago, I had a $100 cash show up, and I really needed it. I was inspired at 1am to drive over to a friends home, put that $100 in an envelop with their name on it and tape it to their door in the middle of the night. I honored the inspiration and my life is a lot like that all the time.

Happiness and living in an state of adventure and possibility is something unique and I believe it is something that can be taught. I know folks at different economic levels and "Happiness" or lack of has nothing to do with financial status. Those with $$ have more options to hide out and mask their pain, fear, and struggle. Those with less $$ live with more quiet desperation and/or volatility. People are people that is what I have learned. I've met a lot of very unhappy people, at all levels and some happy people too - at all levels.

Cherif surprised me when I met him. Brilliant man, great energy and focus, but beyond that - was a man of positive and honorable "intention". I've met wealthy people before, been on the fast track a time or two in my life myself. I am always intrigued by those that are just "jerks", and those that are genuine. Oddly enough, contrary to popular views of the "have nots", most wealthy people are very genuine, caring and giving people.

It has been my observation that the automatic and natural tendency to give more, and be honorable is our core sense of being. When people are struggling, or "have not" in their lives - they tend to be more predatory, often willing to compromise their own values to carve out a bigger piece of pie. It is a catch 22 - our culture promotes the "go - getter" do anything at all costs mentality. But is that the world we want to live in?

I look at things from a point of contribution. Can I make a contribution? Is my contribution recognized and appreciated? I am not referring to personal recognition though that is always nice. My friend that I dropped $100 off did not know where that came from, but they did appreciate the mini-miracle that showed up for them. That is what I am referring to.

This weekend I'm looking at a house for sale just up the street from me, I see several opportunities there. This morning Jeanne, Josh, Mia (our Husky) and I went for a walk to Horsetail Falls - spectacular hike today.

I am very enthusiastic about all the kewl things going on. I am going to start playing with audio and or video blogs as well. Lawrence and others have suggested I need to get my energy and enthusiasm out so people can get to know me better.

Have a great weekend everyone. Know that I and all those people around me are working hard at evolving our already amazing concepts and contexts. I've concluded I want to raise at least $15,000,000 for projects and with our approach to acquisitions that will grow to $100,000,000 of held assets in about 5 years or less. All without putting $$ in anything other than a 1st position.

Brilliant, but simple and common sense.

- Namaste'

- David

p.s. - totally unrelated. I went and saw the new Star Trek (twice), the 2nd time was at our local IMAX theater. It was astounding and amazing. Loved it. I was a fan of the origional show, grew up on it. I was blown away. I think they restarted the franchise with what they did. The attention to detail was amazing.

I noticed that Trek fans, were in tears within the first 5 mintutes and through out the show (odd I know), and those that didn't grow up with it or non-fans, were sitting on the edge of their seat and really enjoyed the show.

There was so many little things for any origional series fan - it was a real tribute and labor of love. They nailed it. I even talked one of my clients into playing hookie with me to go see it last week (laugh).

What I loved about Star Trek - was the energy/foundation of intention - to explore, to inspire and teamwork. Maybe that is why I am so focused on teams vs. the lone ranger context. I've been there too, its just a lonely place to be.

Mathew (age 10), I want to get him enrolled in Karate, I think he'd enjoy it and it would be good for him.

Joshua (age 18), has decided to go to ITT Technical College, he passe their entrance exam, and has everything lined up and begins June 8th! I remember getting enrolled in college was a bit more work/time consuming (laugh). Nice school. I loved their robotics lab. I thought about just going back to school for a few minutes. School is "cool" compared to the boring old IBM 4331 that dealt with. His intention is to focus on LAN/WAN security administration.

Josh is an Eagle Scout, and also earlier this year participated in a Mankind Project New Warrior Adventure weekend, his follow up group/team just did a public service event that Josh inspired them to do.

Kayla (21) is still in the Navy, about 1.5 years to go, stationed in Japan. She's literally seen the world. She was home for a visit last month with her Fiance' (Tony), very proud of her.

Jessica (24) graduated from University of Pheonix earlier this year. She stopped by for a visit last night. I look forward to hiring her one of these days. She's smart, loyal, (ok, and opinionated) but her heart and intention is and has always been in the right place.

Then there is Mia - our Husky/? mix, that we adopted from the Humane Society a couple of years ago. I've nick named her gorgous. On the trail today - everyone -Oh, she's so beautiful?, Oh, she's so pretty. Blah, Blah, Blah. She is a manificant animal, and I think she knows it. Totally spoiled

My pathing partner Jeanne who owns her own online business is busy working on some new product lines and expanding her cashflow. She built her business from the ground up. We are an entraprunrial family. My son Matthew is trying to figure out a business he can do at age 10, since he's not old enough to get a job. He's very ambitious, I think school is slowing him down a bit.

I have lots of Matthew stories. Last winter we were overrun with snow for a couple of weeks. He went out to help the neighbors "dig out", he's 10. He's picked up on dad's lesson around "focus on contribution", he ended up making $$ and friends all over the neighborhood.

Being a Dad is a kewl thing. About 10 years ago I attended a Sterling Institude Men's Weekend and something I got from that was - a parent's responsibility is to prepare kids for life. That was when I think I first began understanding "context" shifts, or management/navigation by context.

I think that is all I have to share for now. I could talk about the Africa Bio-Fuel project, or the going to another level with/through a dear friend/client of mine in CA. Peter's been working doing this Architect thing, and spring/summer has finally hit in Oregon and it is so beautiful - it is hard to focus on work (laugh).

Tonight a BBQ & B-Day part at a friends home, and tomorrow a BBQ gathering at another friends home, last night another friend called for help around a mutual friend who was facing some stuff - and so the adventure continues - normal life stuff. I am looking forward to the next steps of the IQ Money Team and getting the financial team together so we can go out and start getting results as a team.

Its a business shift for Peter, Lawrence and I. We each do our own "s-quadrant" thing, and we enjoy and are good at what we do. We just see amazing opportunities all the time and we've fallen in love with Commercial Real Estate and bringing our combined business skills to focus there.

I think we'll probably end up doing a formal syndication because that is what people understand. I was jokingly talking about - only offering folks 6% because that is the fear factor baseline. As I told Lawrence and Peter - do we have to tell them we're going to pay them 10%, because since folks don't believe it, and advisors at all saying anything over 6% is a scam - I don't think anyone would mind if we pay them more than we agree to.

I am planning on updating our website, the documents are pretty much done, but until I have confirmed people that want to be on our Financial team I've notice I am dragging my feet on the final update. I already see several different opportunities that will require me to re-write things anyway (laugh).

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