Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Webinar & Headlines $550 million fraud

Well, my Webinar came and went. (laugh) It went well.

I didn't have my "zen" time that I scheduled in for this. I had to help one of my partners navigate a technical issue that really took up a lot of time today.

My Google and MSN marketing test ($180 worth) was successful. Highly targeted ads to people with $5,000,000 or more in capital.

Then there are people running decade long scams with $550,000,000 of other people's funds. Is it any wonder people are afraid today. People are getting hurt. So much for licensing and forming "advisory boards", and oversight, and all of that. There is no amount of laws, or regulations that is going to stop fraud.

The problem is in the operational contexts our society had adopted. We've stopped creating the world we want to live. We've settled for dog eat dog capitalism rooted in greed and fear. Our culture functions on predatory tactics.

I was cautioned about my use of the word "Guarantee" today, I find this interesting because I also completely and transparently defined what that meant in our program.

The seeds have been planted, we'll see what grows over the next few days. This is where things get spiritual for me. (laugh). We have a solid plan, rooted in common sense that cannot help but achieve a simple, yet powerful end result.

The "experts" want to complicate things, everyone want assurances, and yet, with all of that in place, tonight I read about $550,000,000 of fraud. The world as we know it is being exposed left and fright. That one respected Wall street leader began a scheme in the 1960's finally discovered a few months ago.

Nobody knows what is real anymore. Credentials have failed. People used them to take advantage of others. No transparency, no integrity, no honesty just a system of predatory economics, rooted in fear and greed.

I think we get caught up in really bad expectations and people have to create an illusion for us, otherwise we choose not to play. We want the jackpot, the lotto win. We want the next Microsoft - so we've become nation of gamblers. We use to be creators - rooted in values we all believed in.

Doubts - yes, I wonder why anyone would trust our team with $100,000,000 or more $$. They would have to study our plan, get to know us - look into our hearts - and eyes. In a world where neutrality and impersonal everything rules - who am I, who are we to say - "trust us".

My truth is I want people to trust in the plan because the plan is simple and straight forward. Our team overcame our "greed" and "fear". Lots of things to "fear" out there. It really is a bad decision making energy.

I love the book "Think & Grow Rich" - Hill wrote about not trying to figure out the "How". In my life experience and spiritual journey - Deity - the Unlimited - by many names and paths - likes to "wow" us.

Today I wonder how that will show up. I am in eager anticipation. There is an estimated 75+ trillion dollars of U.S. citizen resources.

All I need is $100,000,000, all of which is and will be secured in a 1st position against cash flowing real estate. There is no "zero" risk anything, but really - security and safety wise it doesn't get any better than that.

The IQ Equity Effect (R) - is stunning, we focused on the contexts, we began running scenarios beyond our base 10% Annual ROI Guarantee last week. I was blown away at the numbers behind the contexts.

When professionals break the trust and defraud their clients - it will not be until we "trust" ourselves, that we will ever be able to trust others. At the end of the day - these frauds and scams challenge us to look within - and evaluate ourselves.

Namaste' and Blessings

- David

Pre-Webinar 2/25/2009 - Had to Share

What a busy day so far!

It's 1:25pm, we've been working through a technical issue on Lawrence's system for the webinar. (I is kewl being and IT Guru) - he was downtown somewhere and I remoted into his system. He's up and running ready to go! We have a pre-conference test scheduled at 2.

I launched a Google and MSN ad campaign last night, - it's working. I love online marketing! (Thank you to Jeanne for her assistance.

I added a slide. I was inspired to take a quick look through one of my sources for commercial real estate acquisition possibilities that meet my IQ acquisition criteria. Granted about half of the properties the information isn't true (laugh - it is what it is).

I found over $350 million dollars of inventory across 37 out of 54 properties that I had time to look at. The average CAP was over 11%.

I said this to Lawrence and Peter 6 months ago - I am not worried about finding OUTSTANDING deals - any time, anywhere. These are not even the "good" deals, these are deals that simply fit my minimum acquisition parameters!! The good deals are generally behind the scenes not listed.

I made a slide reflecting that!!

Individuals unless they are super wealthy (20 million+ in liquid assets) don't have enough money to invest by themselves. Institutions (REITS, etc), go after deals that are so large, they aren't interested in deals under 100 million.


We've laid the framework for doing this right (I wouldn't recommend doing this by yourself unless you have a lot of experience dealing with people, legalities, and things).

No need to re-invent the wheel. We've done it, there is so much money to be made you don't have to be cheap anymore. Adopt the IQ Prosperity model for living your life. You'll have a lot more overall life satisfaction and have a lot of fun too!!

Create the world you want to live in!!! We have and invite you to explore it!

Namaste' & Blessings to you,

- David

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009

It is amazing how much work it is to "get something" right.

I've been revising PowerPoint slides for the last 10 days. I am very impressed with what we have created.

I am still working on a spreadsheet so people can play with "their" numbers in our plan.

What has been interesting to me is we have focused on our 10% Guarantee and making sure our process will work with integrity. It does and we are very proud of it. We've put the "plan" and the "team" results first.

I've had the opportunity to convert our "context" and plan into a formula for what I am calling the IQ Equity Effect. I knew it was going to be good, but I was blown away when I put the numbers in.

We can't guarantee those numbers, just the formula and process. I'm still working on it because the IQ Equity Effect is a compounding effect. Our plan is not a "static" plan, it is dynamic. The IQ Equity Effect has long term cash flow, equity and pass through tax benefits.

The bottom line for me is - if we are even close to hitting our objectives and I see no reason that we will not - because most of what we do - in acquisition is done in advance to validate the long term process. The IQ Equity Effect looks to be at least 5%, and probably and additional 10%, since a chunk of that is equity. Who even has a valid possibility of a 15 to 30% return, and that return dynamically expands so it is hard to project in a proforma.

Hard money lenders I see will offer 16 to 18%, but that is backed by predatory lending (use to be called usury), and there is a lot of RISK there because the assets being acquired and plan is rooted in "flipping" and they are dealing with high litigation issues with distressed home owners. Yea, you can get great returns, but it is hard to get consistency. 1st position on real estate that is valued based on declining "comps" is a huge risk. We don't mess around with that which is why we are totally focused on Commercial with our own research and tested acquisition terms and standards (sorry, that is private and confidential to the management team, we've made huge investments in training, research, and validating our assumptions - we'll share with our trusted IQ Money Team Members after we've completed a cycle together.)

I saw the numbers in the spreadsheet and I was blown away. I knew the contexts we set were good and made sense. It was just stunning to see it. I added up one set of Performa numbers without the tax benefits and it was over 20%. I didn't quite believe it so I validated the formulas and it is what it is. My concern is that people won't believe it unless they pull out a calculator and run the numbers and assumptions themselves and look at the current market to get a feel for the fact, we are probably using conservative numbers rather than best case scenarios.

I like to plan with three contexts and I hope to get the spreadsheet updated to reflect:

Worse Case Scenario, Planned Result, Home Run

We tested the webinar interface today. Lawrence had some challenge getting connected. Tom Childers has been awesome. He has our spirit of contribution. I look forward to rewarding him by sending business his way for all of his help.

He refereed us to an outstanding attorney that isn't afraid to "create". Tomorrow is our big day.

I've been updating our documents and getting announcements out. Things are looking up.

Besides the financial power of a team - we haven't even gone into the power of the talents of the people we are building relationships with.

This is a new model rooted in concepts that can make a real difference.

I know that some people just want a good solid and safe way to put their money to work without hassle or headache.

Then there are going to be those who will want to get back in the game. I can see training team leaders in different regions and working with them to form their own teams using our contexts and approaches.

I've always wanted to "Change the World" - (laugh) who hasn't, especially as a young man or woman. I am starting to envision that we can make a difference rooted in prosperity and reality rather than fear and greed.

Its nearly midnight, another very productive day. I'll suspect I'll be getting an early start first thing in the morning. Sometimes that is 3 am, it's often 5:30am. I don't use an alarm clock which is interesting. When I'm done resting - I'm up and about digging in. I have noticed however that my body does have some limits. (laugh), my fingers get sore from typing, and my eyes need to take breaks from reading fine print (laugh).

I've noticed that my enthusiasm level is so high that I am eager to start my day as soon as possible. It is amazing the power of dream, vision and enthusiasm.

I am so looking forward to sharing our plan with others tomorrow on our webinar.

That's all for now.

Namaste' & Blessings to you

- David

Monday, February 23, 2009

David's Notes for February 23, 2009

As one of the founders one of our core principles is transparency. Obama our new President really impressed me when he realized this context and has made it a core foundation for his leadership. He communicates and doesn't hide. He is also quick to take responsibility and isn't into creating masks and illusions.

One thing I have learned over the past 6 months is that taking ideas and concepts and then converting and creating them into "reality" is a lot of work that requires a team of different professionals. If some elements are things that have never been done before there is resistance (especially with legal professionals.) I now have an intimate understanding as to how "we the people" and our Culture get locked in, boxed in to patterns that simply don't work.

Today I am wrapping up a PowerPoint presentation and getting ready for a trial run of it with Lawrence. I received Peter's insights yesterday. It is such a blessing to work with three different talented people and their points of view. It is one of the strengths of working with a team instead of being a lone ranger.

We have a new friend Tom Childers out of Seattle who specializes in Cost Segregation as part of a cash flow enhancing strategy for Commercial Real Estate (he's been doing this kind of thing since the 70's). He reviewed my 1st draft of our website and was impressed with our core values. It was excellent timing because - well when you create something new - sometimes you don't know what you don't know. To get some validation from an industry insider was very inspirational.

Tom does Webinars and most of his clients are qualified investors. He invited us to put together a Webinar. That has been my focus of the last couple of weeks is to translate what I've been talking about and refining during the last 6+ months and merging principles I've been learning over the last 10+ years into a simple, easy to understand presentation that will inspire a financial partner team to form.

He was able to introduce us to an attorney who was able to understand our structuring concepts. Most attorney's are so focused on why something won't work they become barriers to creating anything new. Our new attorney's context is "Ok, how can we make that work?" - a man after my own heart. I love it. We're moving full steam ahead!

In "Creating the World we want to live in", we the founders have been wrestling with how good to make our program. Sounds odd doesn't. We didn't work backwards from the numbers. We literally spent hours asking "What's wrong today?" (business, culture, government, law, investing, banking, etc.) we established goals, contexts and standards to build on.

From this emerged a lot of "Ok, how do we...." questions, like "What is the safest place to put money, and why is it safe?" and then build on the principles to address the current and ever present needs to fix the problems we see. Like "How do we prevent litigation risk?", "How do we protect people and ourselves from fraud - by design?"

We are really into "by design", if there is a way of structuring and/or creating a procedure that prevents or eliminates issues faced - we adapt it as a business process. What I have learned is there is so much fraud going on behind the scenes - business and government is literally living in two worlds. One that is an illusion that is presented to the public/their customers and one that is really going on behind the scenes.

The bottom line - you can make a lot of money with other peoples money. If you keep them afraid, you don't have to pay them very much while you make out like a bandit. (Banks have been doing this for a long time.) Add basic greed to that formula then suddenly banks are gambling with money in the derivatives markets (i.e. FOREX - my favorite casino of choice - some day I'll master it - laugh - but I always know it is a Casino so I'm not in a Casino to "invest", it's a battle of sorts, I've always enjoyed a good game of Craps, Casino's are a great place to learn self discipline and money management - laugh, the keys to breaking even and even winning every once in awhile.)

That was a big question "How do you invest without Gambling?", almost all investments you look at Gamble on something, even a bank CD it is a gamble that the FDIC will stay solvent, and if you have more than the insurance states, it is a gamble in the fine print of the "insurance policy" and those policy elements can change at the whim of the rule makers without you're control - and yet - your money is at risk - it is a huge gamble.

Some of us learned about some clauses, rules and laws when WAMU, a publicly traded company was sold in the middle of the night to another company, wiping out the stock holder's interests and pocketing billions of dollars. They did this "legally" through some rules never used before (or so I have been told) that were setup after the great depression. Didn't see that one coming. I thought stock holders owned the assets of a business and there was a Board of Directors that represented them.

All this happened a week before a bail out package...we don't know what we don't know. It turns out this little fireside sale was secretly (no transparency) in the works for about a year prior. So, the average investor in WAMU gets screwed, and already wealthy banking people make a killing.

I got fed up with that world. I literally bought some options the day before the "middle of the night" deal because I believed the bail out was coming and WAMU was an old and established bank. It's like the Casino itself cheated on that one. (laugh), we put up with this because we've gotten use to "Gotcha" economics, and "Gotcha capitalism". I don't know about you but I'm tired and fed up with that.

So - I - with the help of others have blazed a new path for business and investing taking what is good and what works into a new approach to proven ways of working with commercial real estate. I just modified how things are done in a way that protects everyone instead of ways that put people at risk. Simple stuff really.

I'm just willing to challenge the "Well, this is how it's done." baloney. I've been doing that all my life - challenging the "norm", when there are other and better ways of doing things.

It is my understanding there will be up to 200 people on our Webinar. We only need 20 people to work with that have $5 million to put to work - safe and securely. Our plan is scalable, we could take on the entire group of 200 people. My guess is we'll have to cap things at 50 people because at least for me - it is hard to personally get to know more than 50 people.

Our plan is all about building a team. What we are doing is just the beginning. You put 50 people together and you have a brain and talent trust that can do anything. Yea, we need to create our "financial partner" because our plan is beyond the capacity of any one individual, which is kewl - it means we can do things and compete in ways others can't. This reduces risk, and expands opportunity at the same time. It is pretty kewl.

The road block is "trust" - a real team has to trust its members. We've created a core foundation with a team pledge and agreement (a business and investing prenup is what I call it), a big consideration in any team/partnership is litigation, and how do we solve problems together, etc.

Well, that is what a prenup is all about. We've got a plan in place as part of this for what happens if the U.S. Currency and Financial system collapse?

Many people are worried about that. Really it is not a new worry. History teaches us many things, especially about Fiat currency. It always fails eventually.

You'll want to be part of a team - that owns commercial real estate. What governments demand of "gold and silver" is interesting. Don't think it can happen, I think Gold restrictions on U.S. Citizens after the "Great Depression" was lifted in the early 1970's. (1974?) not that long ago. We don' know what we don't know.

This I do know - commercial property is the only thing that survives anything other than a nuclear event. Nothing is totally risk free, but some risks we don't a lot of choice to face.

I am going to begin making notes here. Right now its all about sharing our ideals and getting commitments from people to form our IQ Money & Lending Team.

I'm wrapping up a very interesting spreadsheet that does some basic proforma calculations for our IQ Money Team Members including what I call the IQ Equity Effect (R), which compounds cash flows, equity and tax benefits without risk to pincipal funds. (It's actually totally separate), there is so much that can be done as a team and it is so profitable we can do some amazing things.

Why? Our plan and team is based on prosperity, not fear or greed. We asked "Ok, knowing what we know - if we were an IQ Money Team member, what would we want? What world would we want to create and live in?"

We answered that question so powerfully (and a lot of debate because we know people are happily settling for a whole lot less...we had to battle our own sense of "business as usual".

It is no longer "business as usual", it is now the IQ Way, and those on our team are going to experience something amazing, and we are going to have a lot of fun doing it together.

It is going to be a busy week.

What motivates me? I've always wanted to change the world (who hasn't) - laugh - for me this is about contribution, taking care of my family and creating a legacy. It is more than about the money. If it was about the money we wouldn't of created the IQ Equity Effect. We would of kept that all to ourselves. It is just not the world we want to live in.

I believe we need new ideas and leadership in business. I have a lot to contribute. It takes financial resources and influence to get things done. One way of doing that is to make a powerful contribution to the lives of others, solve problems that are hurting people. Our IQ Plan does just that and the core foundations are things I've been working on all of my life. It is almost as if my life up to this point has been a powerful on the job training for this business.

So many little things have come together, resources, training, timing - it is as if the Divine is conspiring to empower us to do this.

"We the People" have huge talent and resources - we just have to be inspired to put them to work that not only serve our own interests (which is fine and fair - out of abundance comes charity and change) - but we can do that without taking advantage of others. That model is not going to work for long and it always ends badly when people take advantage of others and each other.

Predatory practices are not the way to go in my opinion. It is time for a new model and I am working very hard to ensure we get to demonstrate something powerful that will change lives.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


We've been invited to do a Webinar about our program!!!

Anyone looking for a safe way of putting $5 million dollars or more to work should tune into this webinar. This is better than Rule #1 investing, foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, probate, syndicates, hedge funds, or traditional commercial real estate investing.

We've changed the rules and the approach to provide real safety, peace of mind with double digit returns and we've just cleared the way for the IQ Equity Effect, which gives our team members a true compounding equity, cash flow, and tax benefits without the usual liabilities!!

Nobody is doing what we are doing. Our approach is also idea for anyone with a self-directed IRA. The IQ Equity Effect is a wealth creation and preservation process.


Join us for a Webinar on February 25

Our free webinar for principal investors reveals how to ensure the SAFETY OF your new commercial real estate investments! In addition, we cover little utilized strategies for increasing your yield on your investment properties...SIX FIGURES!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

System RequirementsPC-based attendees Required:
Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at: