Monday, June 29, 2009

A Quick Note

Lawrence's practice has been launched. He is in the middle of helping his son put together wedding plans for next month. To say he's busy is an understatement (laugh).

Peter's had to deal with a plumbing issue the flooded his basement. What a mess. Just life stuff.

I suspect we won't be working too much on CREI stuff until August. As for me, well - I've spent the last month digging deeper into Internet marketing. I have a variety of test projects I want to finish up such as "Exposing the Retirement Flaw". I've reviewed the IQ Money Team plan and every time I go to my bank to make a deposit I have to laugh at the Bank CD rates 1.5% APR, and I know that over 5000 people in my area have over $500,000 each sitting around in bank CD's. It's sad in my view with what I know. But it is what it is.

One of my long term clients contacted me regarding of all things an Internet Marketing Company he is forming with a team of other people. He had already set aside some founders stock for me. I signed some agreements yesterday - it is an ambitious project but the team has an interesting mix of talents and abilities. One of the things I will be bringing to this new business is my concepts for CREI for the purposes of corporate asset management, as well as the tax strategies I have developed and blogged about here and there.

I have to rewrite and finalize some fee, non-disclosure and circumvention agreements. I have a rough draft I put together a few weeks ago it just needs some clean up and I probably should run it by a lawyer or two. I've written so many legal agreements myself over the last 7 years I sort of have a good feel for it. Its not that I miss anything, I tend to go for redundancy. I have my own technique which is to use the legalese, the restate the point in plan language, and then outline the context/ purpose of the point/clause. I don't write legal stuff to argue about later, I write stuff to ensure there is no argument later.

Lawyers don't like me because of that approach to agreements/contracts. Years ago doing pre-foreclosures (before it was popular), I had people trying to sell houses they didn't own, and little old ladies who were losing their home of whom we were trying to help - turn on us and lie about how we "got their signature" on forms and or rushed them into signing things. The problem is I designed a business process that required multi-step process - a strategy session - followed up by a proposal - followed by an acceptance of the proposal - all requiring very complete disclosures from start to finish including notarized signatures on key agreements even though they were not "required."

The little old lady sticks out in my mind. She got a boyfriend who wanted to take over our deal after we had invested about 6 months of paperwork and strategy. She hired an attorney to sue us (me mainly). She lied to her attorney which was interesting, slandered me and my team at the time. It was interesting. I called the attorney and asked what his basis was given the paperwork. Well, his client didn't disclose to him all the paperwork. So I faxed him "all" the paperwork and this nice sweet, little old lady said we forged her signature on the documents!

The problem was - we had her signature notarized, and we didn't force her to sign documents at 8pm on a Wed night in her Church parking lot as she claimed. In fact, the paperwork revealed a three week process - no rush (laugh), but I learned something powerful.

As the attorney mentioned to me "Nobody does contracts like that", I laughed, "no, but I do, and now I am reminded as to why." Lawyers and law firms write contracts that they can argue about later. I'm not into that game. I don't want to argue. I want to be fair and upfront in the beginning so there is no argument later.

It was funny, when Lawrence and I were looking over LOI's used in CREI, including the ones provided by the MyICREI - we couldn't use them because they were just not to our standards. It is a lot of work writing and correcting legal forms. Lawyers have errors and omissions insurance and that is really what you pay for when you use an attorney. That insurance is actually very important in some situations.

My method is to have an attorney review/work with me on a document revision so that I've made sure the document is written to my standards - and redundancy of key points with stated contexts as well as the legalese. They always tell me its "overkill", but in all the years of "overkill" and I haven't dealt with too many "little old predatory ladies" - that overkill basically killed anything to argue about. I haven't dealt with much in terms of legal issues during my life because I've always had this approach and I've seen first hand that people will lie and perjure themselves over little things.

Legal stuff is important when it comes to real estate. Sellers will lie about their financial records, they will "cook the books", they will cover up and lie about pre-existing building issues, etc, etc. Bribes will be given to inspectors, blah, blah, blah. Just another day in the real world we all face.

I know that I come across as an idealist - and I am. An optimist even! But I am very much grounded in reality - part of how I create the world I want to live in is to make sure that when I enter into a contract or do any kind of deal that what is important is protected properly in writing so there is no argument's later.

Anyway - things are looking up. The IQMoneyTeam feels like it is paused pending lots of little life things to sort out by the founders but that is all part of the adventure. I still have not seen any approach to putting money to work that is better than our approach. I keep reworking and refining things, but the essence is the same - simple common sense really that does not seem very common.

Namaste' and Blessings to Everyone. I hope your summer is going well!

- David

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Making Money Online & General Update

It's been busy!

Peter stopped by yesterday to borrow a garden hose for his Boy Scout troop's service activity cleaning up a historic graveyard not far from my home. I haven't seen him in person for a few weeks. He's been buried in his s-quadrant business work.

Lawrence has been busy with his new practice. I took care of all his IT work and Jeanne and I are helping him with his online marketing., I add these sites here so they get some cross linking (laugh). Jeanne and I have been "tests" for their nutritional system and I must say after 1 month - I've lost about 20 lbs and for the first time in my life feel I can actually return to and reach my ideal body weight. Their nutrition package lends itself for an Internet marketing concept.

I am doing some testing with CPA marketing. I found a fun little information product to promote entitled "How to Make $1,000 in 48 Hours" its a free package so getting the info for people is pretty much a no-brainer.

It's pretty kewl. I setup a super simple landing page:, setup my analytics, did my seo/organics and adwards to the targeted countries of the promotion. Yes, I am shamelessly mentioning it hear for the search engines to cross link for ranking purposes.

It is always fun doing marketing tests.

Peter and I had a nice conversation about Syndication and the IQ Money team. We are looking at perhaps doing an actual syndication though our plan/strategy doesn't require it, until people get to know us and understand what we are doing and why it may be best to serve up the opportunity in the framework they can understand. I'm even going to reduce to ROI to 6% so as to not fall into the "scam" category that all the analysts are saying "its a scam if anyone is paying over 6%".

Not true, but I have to remember these are the same analysts that were giving advice over the last 8 years too. (laugh). It all boils down to "trust" and it takes time for that to build. It is going to cost about $50,000 in legal fees to get an formal syndication put together.

We'll see how my Internet marketing tests go. I know some folks that are making some serious 7 figure revenues. We only need to raise 15million dollars to pursue the IQ Business plan properly, for me that is three 5 million dollar financial partners, or six 2.5 million dollar financial partners.

Until then we'll simply work our s-quadrant businesses and look for opportunities with our current resources and build from there. Its all good.

I saw the DVD "Mother Teresa", (netflix), I was impressed, great inspirational true story.

My current Internet Projects are: (laugh), I am almost done with my PowerPoint "Exposing the Retirement Flaw" which I am embedding audio and then will convert to a movie/avi file (, and I am writing a guide to health and weight loss that I will market under my davidtheguru brand.

I am also going to try my hand at some uTube marketing and some audio and/or video blogs.

Life is good, and all of this is a blessed adventure.

Namaste' and Bright Blessings to Everyone!

- David

Friday, May 22, 2009

Taxes, Taxes, Retirement Flaws, Opportunity & Trust

Mercury is in Retrogade through the 30th. For those that follow such things it often means a time period of communication issues. I am always intrigued by the beliefs and paths from around the world.

Taxes #1 - there are two remaining tax advantaged ways of reducing taxes. One method can probably reduce taxes by about $20,000/month (at least) and that was a subject of an opportunity I've been e-mail back and forth with Cherif about. It should be interesting to see how that goes. I think I've identified an amazing opportunity to help people legally and legitimately reduce their taxes.

Taxes #2 - I know how any business can create 1.2 million dollars of write offs for every 2.4 million dollars of taxable revenue. Not offshore, its right in the IRS Tax code, it's not a loop hole, its solid and not going anyway anytime soon. No need for all the "offshore" grey area things that the government is going after. The strategy works for those who have $500,000 or more of taxable revenue. They have to be in a business or at least be able to structure what they do as a business, and not be a felon. That is an approximate gross savings of $480,000 per 1.2 million dollars, after costs, fees, setup and management, the net savings is about $400,000 or so. $$ that normally get sucked down the black whole of taxes. I'm charging folks a 3% residual fee on the gross savings for hooking them up with the only law firm in the country that knows how to do these things.

Tax strategy #1 & #2 - are simple, legal and it is interesting how few people know about them. I'm excited to make that information available to my clients. Of course, that $400,000+ savings is money that really should be put to work. I give folks a choice - 3% fee, or work with my team around putting those funds to work in Commercial Real Estate.

Retirement Flaw - and Retirement Failure - I've been working on a Power Point. Earlier this year I did a webinar with Lawrence and between the technical things and distractions and the cost - I realized - there has got to be a better way. There is!

I have been revamping our business plan and documentation. It is amazing how much work that can be to get it done right. The last 2 months I've been helping Lawrence and his wife Jeannie launch their new wellness center. It is Kismet because 24 years ago when we first met was a similar project. That has been wrapping up and I am transitioning back to the Money Team Project.

I created a little 4 slide PowerPoint I called 'Exposing the Retirement Flaw", or "Does your Retirement Plan have a Dirty Little Secret?" - I have evolved that to 13 slides and have been recording audio commentary. It is coming together nicely. As part of the process I discovered that Power Point does not embed audio and/or video, it "references" audio/video external to itself. Not a problem if you are running the presentation on your own system, but a huge issue if you are trying to send a Power Point with audio/video embedded.

I did some research and reviewed a lot of interesting options. I found a great little utility that combines and follows the Power Point Presentation and audio and turns it into a "Movie" clip, i.e. AVI type file. Simple, clean and reasonable cost. Problem solved. This also has the advantage that anyone on any platform can watch the presentation(s) without having to deal with Power Point.

I'm a bit conservative when it comes to spending $$ on stuff. My focus has always been on "value" rather than costs. I don't mind spending $$ on important things, I really am stunned at how much $$ most businesses, especially corporations waste.

I got a report in from AIG (a stock play I made), I'm thinking - why didn't they just e-mail me a PDF file, that report, sent out to all the stock holders must of cost a small future. It was cheap, black and white and I'm like - what a waste, no wonder they keep running into financial issues.

They waste money on things that do not matter. I know there are a bunch of MBA's making decisions there and yet, common sense seems to elude them. With proper use of technology there is no reason why businesses can't have a 1st class transparent and active communications with vendors, customers and investors without all the huge, worthless overhead. I know the printing industry doesn't like that, but geeze folks, "ice box" manufacturers went out of business because of "Refrigerator" technology.

Anyway - I am going to be selling the Retirement Flaw as an information product. I have some 30+ writing projects I have been developing over the last 5 years. This is mainly self help information in three primary areas of life 1) Finances and info to help those managing/facing financial disasters, 2) Personal relationships - specifically helping people develop a better dating/relationship model, 3) Personal Health & Fitness.

I'm 45 years old as of June 14 this year. I was born and raised in the Midwest on meat and potatoes. I love to eat, and a few years ago I was at 260 lbs, on the S.A.D. (standard American Diet), and I started having some health issues. (Not sure if I blogged about that here or not, I have several personal blogs out there, so if I am repeating anything here I apologize). One of the issues I had was High Blood pressure. Long story short, I healed that, and I also dropped my weight (effortlessly) to around 220/230 area where I've been at for the last year.

Thanks to Lawrence and his wife Jeannie I had a comprehensive nutritional blood screening and it turns out I have Type 2 Diabetes. That was a shock of sorts, but not surprising considering what I have learned over the last 4 weeks. It is my intention to heal my body of that. One nice thing about functioning as a team (a life team), that there is an on going give and take with the people you trust and care about in your life.

I took care of Lawrence's technology, he's taking care of my health. As of last week I hit a 20 year low in my weight of 205 lbs and feel great. I still love to eat, and I have simply created entirely new (and delicious) food recipes. I have a lot of self discipline anyway, but when it comes to food - I love to eat. As always, when I want to learn about or change something I have a simple process I follow. I developed this partly as an IT Consultant, and part with some spiritual life/growth changes over the last 7 years.

  1. When facing an "unknown" - good, or bad, I always trust that things are playing out for a higher purpose. I may not understand it, or see it, but I have learned to trust it.
  2. State my intention/desired outcome, this can show up in may ways, the term most people would recognize is "prayer", and there are many different ways of praying/approaches and they all work regardless of belief path/system. I've learned to have fun in this area of my life.
  3. Seek out information, resources, knowledge - and there is so much knowledge and information out there it is about what I call "tuning into Spirit" or following what I call my inner "peace" compass. The energy/inspiration leads the way. Opportunities open, or close - (i.e. #1 - trust), which leads me to #4.
  4. Follow the inspiration/energy and deal with what presents. Things that present (people, places, opportunities) these things I explore through to their logical conclusion, or until something "stops" or comes to an end. I don't mind "pushing" through things, but only if the inspiration is there to do that. (I know, I need to write a book about this stuff, its in the works.)
  5. Don't be attached to the outcome, people, places, or things - be open to unlimited possibilities, and honor the simple things like - trust, honor, integrity - and the foundation of all of that is "intention." That is what is important to me. Things change, businesses change - and that is the dynamics of life. But what is the intentions behind things that are going on - that is what I look for. Results show up, often in very unexpected and amazing ways. I call it the "wow" factor.

That was more than I was planning on sharing. Spiritual pathing is like that sometimes. You go with the flow. I remember when I first started testing these concepts out - years ago, I had a $100 cash show up, and I really needed it. I was inspired at 1am to drive over to a friends home, put that $100 in an envelop with their name on it and tape it to their door in the middle of the night. I honored the inspiration and my life is a lot like that all the time.

Happiness and living in an state of adventure and possibility is something unique and I believe it is something that can be taught. I know folks at different economic levels and "Happiness" or lack of has nothing to do with financial status. Those with $$ have more options to hide out and mask their pain, fear, and struggle. Those with less $$ live with more quiet desperation and/or volatility. People are people that is what I have learned. I've met a lot of very unhappy people, at all levels and some happy people too - at all levels.

Cherif surprised me when I met him. Brilliant man, great energy and focus, but beyond that - was a man of positive and honorable "intention". I've met wealthy people before, been on the fast track a time or two in my life myself. I am always intrigued by those that are just "jerks", and those that are genuine. Oddly enough, contrary to popular views of the "have nots", most wealthy people are very genuine, caring and giving people.

It has been my observation that the automatic and natural tendency to give more, and be honorable is our core sense of being. When people are struggling, or "have not" in their lives - they tend to be more predatory, often willing to compromise their own values to carve out a bigger piece of pie. It is a catch 22 - our culture promotes the "go - getter" do anything at all costs mentality. But is that the world we want to live in?

I look at things from a point of contribution. Can I make a contribution? Is my contribution recognized and appreciated? I am not referring to personal recognition though that is always nice. My friend that I dropped $100 off did not know where that came from, but they did appreciate the mini-miracle that showed up for them. That is what I am referring to.

This weekend I'm looking at a house for sale just up the street from me, I see several opportunities there. This morning Jeanne, Josh, Mia (our Husky) and I went for a walk to Horsetail Falls - spectacular hike today.

I am very enthusiastic about all the kewl things going on. I am going to start playing with audio and or video blogs as well. Lawrence and others have suggested I need to get my energy and enthusiasm out so people can get to know me better.

Have a great weekend everyone. Know that I and all those people around me are working hard at evolving our already amazing concepts and contexts. I've concluded I want to raise at least $15,000,000 for projects and with our approach to acquisitions that will grow to $100,000,000 of held assets in about 5 years or less. All without putting $$ in anything other than a 1st position.

Brilliant, but simple and common sense.

- Namaste'

- David

p.s. - totally unrelated. I went and saw the new Star Trek (twice), the 2nd time was at our local IMAX theater. It was astounding and amazing. Loved it. I was a fan of the origional show, grew up on it. I was blown away. I think they restarted the franchise with what they did. The attention to detail was amazing.

I noticed that Trek fans, were in tears within the first 5 mintutes and through out the show (odd I know), and those that didn't grow up with it or non-fans, were sitting on the edge of their seat and really enjoyed the show.

There was so many little things for any origional series fan - it was a real tribute and labor of love. They nailed it. I even talked one of my clients into playing hookie with me to go see it last week (laugh).

What I loved about Star Trek - was the energy/foundation of intention - to explore, to inspire and teamwork. Maybe that is why I am so focused on teams vs. the lone ranger context. I've been there too, its just a lonely place to be.

Mathew (age 10), I want to get him enrolled in Karate, I think he'd enjoy it and it would be good for him.

Joshua (age 18), has decided to go to ITT Technical College, he passe their entrance exam, and has everything lined up and begins June 8th! I remember getting enrolled in college was a bit more work/time consuming (laugh). Nice school. I loved their robotics lab. I thought about just going back to school for a few minutes. School is "cool" compared to the boring old IBM 4331 that dealt with. His intention is to focus on LAN/WAN security administration.

Josh is an Eagle Scout, and also earlier this year participated in a Mankind Project New Warrior Adventure weekend, his follow up group/team just did a public service event that Josh inspired them to do.

Kayla (21) is still in the Navy, about 1.5 years to go, stationed in Japan. She's literally seen the world. She was home for a visit last month with her Fiance' (Tony), very proud of her.

Jessica (24) graduated from University of Pheonix earlier this year. She stopped by for a visit last night. I look forward to hiring her one of these days. She's smart, loyal, (ok, and opinionated) but her heart and intention is and has always been in the right place.

Then there is Mia - our Husky/? mix, that we adopted from the Humane Society a couple of years ago. I've nick named her gorgous. On the trail today - everyone -Oh, she's so beautiful?, Oh, she's so pretty. Blah, Blah, Blah. She is a manificant animal, and I think she knows it. Totally spoiled

My pathing partner Jeanne who owns her own online business is busy working on some new product lines and expanding her cashflow. She built her business from the ground up. We are an entraprunrial family. My son Matthew is trying to figure out a business he can do at age 10, since he's not old enough to get a job. He's very ambitious, I think school is slowing him down a bit.

I have lots of Matthew stories. Last winter we were overrun with snow for a couple of weeks. He went out to help the neighbors "dig out", he's 10. He's picked up on dad's lesson around "focus on contribution", he ended up making $$ and friends all over the neighborhood.

Being a Dad is a kewl thing. About 10 years ago I attended a Sterling Institude Men's Weekend and something I got from that was - a parent's responsibility is to prepare kids for life. That was when I think I first began understanding "context" shifts, or management/navigation by context.

I think that is all I have to share for now. I could talk about the Africa Bio-Fuel project, or the going to another level with/through a dear friend/client of mine in CA. Peter's been working doing this Architect thing, and spring/summer has finally hit in Oregon and it is so beautiful - it is hard to focus on work (laugh).

Tonight a BBQ & B-Day part at a friends home, and tomorrow a BBQ gathering at another friends home, last night another friend called for help around a mutual friend who was facing some stuff - and so the adventure continues - normal life stuff. I am looking forward to the next steps of the IQ Money Team and getting the financial team together so we can go out and start getting results as a team.

Its a business shift for Peter, Lawrence and I. We each do our own "s-quadrant" thing, and we enjoy and are good at what we do. We just see amazing opportunities all the time and we've fallen in love with Commercial Real Estate and bringing our combined business skills to focus there.

I think we'll probably end up doing a formal syndication because that is what people understand. I was jokingly talking about - only offering folks 6% because that is the fear factor baseline. As I told Lawrence and Peter - do we have to tell them we're going to pay them 10%, because since folks don't believe it, and advisors at all saying anything over 6% is a scam - I don't think anyone would mind if we pay them more than we agree to.

I am planning on updating our website, the documents are pretty much done, but until I have confirmed people that want to be on our Financial team I've notice I am dragging my feet on the final update. I already see several different opportunities that will require me to re-write things anyway (laugh).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Daytime TV - Exposes Scams

Today on "Guiding Light" the youngest Spalding talked about an ponzi investment scheme, another scene was a victim of someone who invested "everything" because he was bored with his 401k that wasn't doing anything year after year.

"It was a friend of was about pooling money together. The returns they were promising were amazing."

I chuckled - there seems to be two ends of the take advantage spectrum - the "super safe" side which has its own risks, but at the end of the day, nothing happens. Then there is the "super risk" sure fire deals, too good to be true, but sounds really good and the returns are "guaranteed" - and it's either a total scam, or a super high undisclosed risk situation.

I've read news reports of advisers saying "Anything paying over 6% is an absolute scam!"

It's interesting to have created a business process that is not rooted in predatory practices, simple logic and common sense. The baseline #'s I guess are "amazing", and that very fact is a red flag based on mass media reporting.

I and my family have been dealing with head colds over the last few weeks those are all clearing up. It was interesting because we got hit with these head colds around the same time the whole swine flu thing surfaced.

During the last two months I've been helping Lawrence and his wife Jeanne with their new Health Care Practice (I.T. stuff mainly), they are pioneering a new wellness approach which optionally includes a "lipo-laser" which is a fascinating device.

We are on each others "team", he's taking care of me and Jeannie. On the nutrition side of things they got clinical with a full blood analysis nutritional exam and low and behold I had an undiagnosed medical condition hiding in the background, probably been there for years, perhaps decades. Nothing serious and in fact that is all part of their wellness program - to get well.

Anyway, now almost 3 weeks later I've gone from 34% body fat to 26%, and I've lost about 10 lbs of weight and am under 210 lbs. I'm looking and feeling better than I have in years (not that I've ever felt bad) - but I'm amazed at the immediate results.

I'm a high energy and focus person to begin with. I've been changing my health over the last 5 years anyway. What I learned from Lawrence and Jeanne was sort of a missing link of understanding. I'm considering writing a report about what I know. About 4 years ago I was 260 lbs. Not a good place to be.

It is an honor to work with Lawrence and his family. Though that project has nothing to do with Commercial Real Estate we continue to deepen our working relationship and friendship. To me this is critically important in forming a team.

We are having an IQ Meeting tomorrow (Lawrence, Peter and I), right now we have this awesome business plan, team and resources and each of us have our own individual business interests. Lawrence in the Health Care Industry, Peter in the Construction Industry and (your's truly - me) in I.T.

We may have to "conform" and put together a traditional syndication and work our business plan on a smaller scale. I am realizing more and more that whom ever we bring together as financial partners are people we are going to want to know and build relationships with.

I was reminded of that yesterday when a client of mine (who does very well financially), advised me that he couldn't afford my I.T. services (I spent the last 8 months in a dog and pony show trying to help this guy and his business), we finally started making headway over the last 3 months because he authorized getting the work done that needed to be done.

Then he pretended to be surprised by the costs which made no sense to me. He rejected every cost saving proposal over the last 12 months choosing the highest cost path at every turn. It has been an odd journey and experience. I like the guy but he never got or understood the reality of the care that was given to take care of him and his office.

It all boiled down to life outlook and his is and has been hurting his business. No appreciation, no loyalty unless it is at first self serving, and yet, a nice guy. Just very odd. One of his key staff members "went off" on me a few weeks ago when I politely pointed out an about 18" string hanging down her back. Something most people would say "Thank you" for.

My point is - Peter, Lawrence and I enjoy our pathing together and the work we've been doing on our business plan rooted in quite literally "Creating the World we want to live in". We need to expand "our world" with a few key people that understand our mission and vision that have the funds to back a venture rooted in solid strategy and common sense.

Maybe I need to lower our "contract ROI" from 10% to 6% so we are not lumped in with all the scams. I don't think anyone would complain if we paid them an additional 4%, even though we were not financially obligated to do so. I don't think anyone would complain if we set aside a % of limited partner ownership in a trust for which they are beneficiary because that is our plan, and the world we wanted to create.

So, they'll get their 6% by contract backed by commercial real estate, the rest -we'll just work our plan, in our world, our way. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

Last year an attorney looked me in the eye and said "Why would you pay that if you didn't have to?", Lawrence and I smiled and said "Because that is the world we want to live in, that is how we would want to be treated."

Star Trek is theaters now (an absolutely AWESOME show, I finally saw it earlier this week with one of my clients at an IMAX Theater, it was worth the extra cost and seeing it a 2nd time gave me greater appreciation for the film). Anyway I always liked "Scottie", who always under promised and over delivered thus creating the reputation of being a "miracle worker".

Everyone wants a "lotto" level win it seems with their investment dollars. In our plan, the first 5 years is an asset and cash flow building stage which in the traditional business community also creates a "proof of concept", the next step from that asset base is usually forming an IPO to raise hundreds of millions of dollars (or a few billion dollars) to advance the business process/plan to a new level.

I noticed a lot of REIT's have had financial difficulties and I think the reason for that is they often just have to buy up assets, but do not necessarily have a business plan to optimize each asset. They buy based on balance sheets and financial data. That is an accounting function, more than a business or investment.

5 Million, 20 Million, 1oo Million, 500 Million, 1 Billion, it doesn't matter with our dynamic plan because it can be scaled up or down. Bigger is "safer" in my perspective and 10 - 2o million dollars of capital is an ideal amount to have available to move quickly on good deals that are too small for REITs, and too big for most individual investors.

But working and functioning as a team is more than than just ROI, it is having fun, trusting each other, believing in each other and being a person on that team that is dedicated to each other person's happiness, healthy and success in all areas of life.

Our core team has all the talents and resources to be that, and bring that. I think it would be interesting to take a company IPO and experience one of those "Lotto" win business experiences.

Well, that is all for now. Lawrence's office foundation has been put in place (it's a lot of work doing I.T. right, and I've never seen anyone do it right outside of my approach.) I should teach what I know around I.T. and consulting. Maybe I will some day.

Tomorrow (in the morning) I'm going with my son Josh to ITT Tech, he's decided to follow in my footsteps in Technology. He's 18 years old. (He's also a great CREI deal finder!) Everyday is an adventure for me lately. I do enjoy helping others and making contributions.

I even had a new design modification for the "Lipo Laser" technology, in my spare time I'll have to do some research into a few things.

Now that my head cold is subsiding and Lawrence's initial office setup is completed I can get back to work recording audio and video for sharing the IQ concepts with people on the website.

I still haven't seen anything better than our approach. What is amazing to me are the scams and the amount of money people are getting bilked out of and really there isn't and shouldn't be a need to get great returns without scamming anyone.

Maybe the secret to fund raising is only offering 3%, trillions of dollars in banks around that. (laugh). Everything in its proper time - step by step.


- David

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Stunning" Deals Come... and Go

We're letting a deal go in our area. I know Peter is a little disappointed, laugh.

Current CAP is actually 12.03%, PROFORMA CAP is: 13.06, and the CAP less Rite Aid is 9.14%, price tag is 8.9 million. My sense if we could of put an IQ Money Team around this we could of gotten it for 7.9 million. Properties are valued and refinanced in our area at 6 CAP.

We could of acquired, optimized probably in less than 90 days, refinanced and took a nice GOBB of cash out along with returning principle. The GOBB of cash would of been loan proceeds which are not taxable. Usually you have to work at optimizing for the $$'s to work.

I am inspired to make a new spreadsheet because this has surfaced. The IQ Money Team plan does not require "stunning" deals like this in order for it to work and give double digit returns safely.

Everyone could of gotten their principle out probably with a few hundred thousand dollars as an "equity tap" bonus and -- AND - long term equity effects and residual income long term. In this case another equity tap in 5 years, and/or exchange it up from something bigger/better rolling the equity forward.

Today is the last day for us to get an offer in. The downside of a "cash" buyer approach is you have to be able to move fast and stand behind your LOI. I'm not into tying up someones property and then going out to try to "fund" it. I know that is what is taught, but it seems to waste a lot of time for sellers.

It is part of creating the world I want to live in. I also what the IQ Money Team to develop a reputation so that when we make an offer, the seller/brokers know we are serious and can do what we say we intend to do.

I created an LOI system last month for our team. It doesn't make sense for me to tie up earnest money making offers while we are negotiating. When it is clear we have agreement, that is when I'm open to putting $$ up. Most sellers and brokers are wise to the various escape clauses. I have my own techniques for dealing with contracts anyway. Most people don't read them properly any way. At the end of the day, a buyer isn't going to put earnest $$ at risk unless they are ignorant or something. This puts a burden on Sellers to carry properties while Buyers get their funding together.

Working as a team - with a cash buyer status - we can cherry pick the very best deals pretty much on demand. Working as a team gives us a powerful edge.

My Commercial Lending Contact at US Bank sent he a list of tenant and tenant types they the bank view as "High Risk", U.S. Bank you may have noticed is never caught up in scandals and so far has been financially stable compared to other banks. Anyway, I've known him for several years and he always gives me the straight scoop. We now have another level of screening in our optimization process.

What a lot of people do not understand is that most Commercial Properties - the current owners "bail" when they have 5 years or less on their lease contracts.

Why? Because they want to get their principle out and move it somewhere else. This is irrelevant to our dynamic approach.

Example: lets say we bought the Portland, Oregon area deal that surfaced. BAM - we own it, its cash flowing and everyone is making $$, we optimize it and get all the principle out plus a few million extra for everyone leaving 25% equity in the property.

MOST PEOPLE MISS THIS, until I point it out to them.

Where is your principle funds? In the investment or in your bank account?

It's liquid in your bank account. So, lets say that over the next 5 years, the economy tanks further, and this property becomes totally vacant. What is the risk? (nothing)

What happens then? We deed the property back to the bank, and then turn around and buy it from them (CASH) as an REO and re-optimize it. Folks are missing the boat because they do not understand the dynamic vs. static investing. Everyone is afraid to "risk", yet they set themselves up for being in the riskiest positions because they have been taught to think a certain way.

There is so much more we can to as a team that we can do as individuals. If someone out there can back this 8.9 million dollar deal let me know, it is a shame to leave millions of dollars just sitting on a table waiting to be simply picked up.

I told Peter not to send in an LOI because we can't stand behind it with any kind of integrity at this point. All I needed for this was to 5 million IQ Money Team Members to have a 10 million pool available. I'm going to add a "quick turn" page to my analysis spreadsheet.

It is interesting reading all the news about Off Shore tax shelters. I know how to shelter up to 50% of tax liabilities in 1.2 million dollar increments. Folks have to have a $500,000/yr minimum tax liability for our totally blessed by the IRS approach. That is a net approx. $400,000 of tax savings per every 2.4 million dollars of taxable revenue.

Now to re-due our IQ Money Team Website (laugh)

What is interesting to me - is our team I sense is going to do better than the 5 Year averaged 15% Annual ROI projections.

I only need 3 $5,000,000 financial partners to do something amazing for all of us. The fun and profit we could all have together. It is going to be fun.

If you don't have $5,000,000 capacity, that is OK, let me know who you are, what your capacity is and what your objectives are. I personally don't mind working with sophisticated investors, or even unqualified investors because I 'm not selling shares in anything.

What is very clear to me is that if a team than can pull together $15,000,000 of capital quickly and make a killing during the next 5 years with a dynamic vs. static approach.


- David

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sharing a Miracle - may be of benefit to you

I forgot to mention in my last posting about another client/friend who is basically a Soil Guru. He's involved in a bio-fuels project. They need 15 million dollars to take things to another level. They have dealt with one greedy scam after another for about 4 years. It is stunning.

We had an investment group show up with 50 million dollars. But they were greed based and it made no sense. This is a billion dollar opportunity and it is stunning to me the greed of many who are in a position to not only do well, but make a difference. Instead, they are predatory and I have to acknowledge my friend Jim and their management team for saying "no". Jim knows what is wrong with our food supply and how to fix it. He can go into a 3rd world country literally and team them how to feed themselves sustainably. He's another person that is making a difference in "OUR" community.

I've been helping Lawrence open a new clinic. He didn't want to do it, but our IQ Money Team project needed more time to develop and we've been hammering things out. He basically retired about 10 years ago. Moved out in the middle of know where to his dream home (it is beautiful), and as I have discussed experienced that sense of isolation, disconnection from people.

His clinic, incorporates an over all wellness plan, nutrition, and new technology he has what we are calling a "lipo-laser" it literally helps your body melt fat and eject it without surgery which has proven not only dangerous but doesn't have sustainable results. This is a natural process.

Anyway - we are a "team" outside of IQ Money Team and I am sharing this to help you understand more of what "Team" means to me. There is a lot of IT work when launching any kind of office. I was able to help him launch his office with proper deployment of technology. (Which he needed - laugh).

His wife (Jeannie) is a nutritionist and they sent me and my Jeanne in for some blood tests and we are going through their program (it's been a week now). My Jeanne is experiencing the lipo-lazer.

I had a minor health condition I wasn't aware of show up in the tests. Something that could of become major over time. (Blessing/miracle).

I've changed my diet and during the last 7 days I've lost 7 lbs of fat, and Jeanne's lost 10 lbs. Three years ago I use to way 260 lbs and I knew I was facing some serious health issues if I didn't change some things. I had friends having heart issues and some dying from cancer, all of us in America experience similar. I made some changes and over a couple of years my weight has leveled out in the 215 - 220 area.

I broke through that threshold and am now in the 210 area, with a goal to get down to 180/190 area. I've learned some kewl things about how my body works through Lawrence.

Lawrence and I have been having a great time working on this launch and the women in our lives are involved and we've been getting "tighter" as team professionally and personally.

Peter, Lawrence and I had a debriefing meeting about 10 days ago and I am seeing this core team taking their relationships to another level. A team that knows and trusts each other (and is worthy of that trust) can move fast and we each have a different perspective which really is powerful in eliminating blind spots that each of us have.

How this is spiritual to me, and a miracle - is had I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish last year - on my time table I would of missed this health issue that was brewing.

Without our health, the rest of life is pretty irrelevant. In the film "The Secret" it talks about the Universe conspiring with us. That is really making a lot of sense.

Peter and I were going to go to the CREI seminar but we just couldn't fit it into our schedules, when we did - there we were in the same room with Lawrence - a man I haven't seen or worked with in over 20 years. I knew I recognized that voice from the back of the room!

Everything is playing out for all of our greatest and highest good. Each of us has a different spiritual/religious view point which I think is kewl because diversity of perspective yet united in core principles is powerful especially in our diverse world filled with diverse opportunities.

Anyway, I'm just acknowledging a series of "coincidences" for all of our benefit and that is quite literally the foundation of the IQ Money Team. There have been and continue to be a sense of providence in what we are doing.

Well, I'm going to go for a walk with my family and enjoy some of this Oregon, Spring time Sunshine. I may even have to look at getting some fishing in this year. It is good to "get out there", and well - I do live in a literal playground of fun and enriching activities.

Step by step, it is all coming together. I am ever learning and being reminded of patience and to trust that everything is playing out as it should.

I have to confess it is frustrating having a deal show up in our back yard like what Peter found and not yet have the team in place to just pull the trigger on it. (laugh), but then again, I think we have until the 5th to put something together. I know the resources are out there, the relationships are not at a functional level yet.

But it will be and if anything this deal surfacing has given me a "heads up" that the future is bigger and brighter for all of us than my baseline conservative business plan.

I was asked last week "David, what would you do with a trillion dollars?", that was new for me. I've done a "Billion" dollars, $15, 000,000 is simple, I sort of live in the $100,000,000 area right now. What I like about our model is it is scalable. I enjoyed the challenge of the thought.

I realized after that meeting that I haven't given up on humanity and my deep desire since being a young man that we can change the world and make it a better place. At almost age 45, I can embrace the usual and customary skepticism, fear, greed as I observe people losing their homes, war, predatory abuses world wide by those in power and control, pandemic concerns, etc., etc.

Yet, I have my youthful optimism tempered by the reason of life experience no longer afraid of anything and seeing miracles everywhere in a sea of a lot of weird and scary stuff! I'm even losing my concern over others stealing my ideas and concepts because at the end of the day, I am part of the magick that makes things work and happen. There is no need for anyone to steal anything in "my world" because our concepts are rooted in prosperity and evolving possibility.

I'm off for my walk/hike :)

I hope whom ever you are, where ever you are - if you are reading this blog that you are inspired and that someday, one - day we can work together to do something great for mutual benefit. I know that a lot of unqualified investors are reading this - our core plan was designed to reach out to the average citizen and the team concept is designed to create a process of evolving prosperity. Drop me a note.

To my emerging Qualified Investor Friends who are also reading this blog, lets keep the lines of communication open. Share with me your ideas, thoughts, dreams and inspirations. What are you investment terms and standards, lets explore how we can work together while we hammer out the larger team vision.

I know for a fact that at least $50,000,000 of resources are reading this blog (laugh), so why are we not buying an amazing deal in Oregon together?

We don't know each other yet. You haven't share your story and fears. Lets dialog in e-mail. If you have things going in in your life outside of $$, I may be able to give you some insights and/or point you in the right direction to real resources. Lawrence & Jeannie are certified life coaches. I've helped many people at many different financial levels look at life differently. I know how to transform one's health (Lawrence and I share notes every week), laugh.

My big thing seems to be problem solving and strategy - business, investing, health, relationships, - name it. In my IT career path - I solve unsolvable and impossible problems all the time (laugh), during the last few years I have realized that my process and way of looking at things goes way beyond IT/Computer/Technology.

Anyway, I am here and available to make contributions to those who are on my/our team. I have great people in my life, great friends and great dreams and the truth is - I don't have to do any of this stuff to be happy and enjoy my life. But I see wonderful things and I just am not the kind of person to just sit around when I clearly have contributions I can make a difference.

Plus it just is a lot of fun. I for example will always do IT work for small businesses. I love that whole "start up" mode where everyone is overworked and underpaid. (laugh), because it's about the mission more than about the money. The money shows up, OK, don't get the wrong idea, I like money and prosperity it all is part of the enjoying life and making contributions. It is a different model.

Folks are stunned when they find out I don't have a collections A/R problem in my business. I use to have one until I changed the context of how I approach business. When I take on a new client for example, it takes them about 6 months to a year to figure out, I really do care about them and that I am for real and what I say isn't just a sales pitch (laugh). I live it. I've saved some businesses and peoples livelihood. It is what it is. Not ego, not about the money, not predatory.

It is a good life and I sleep well at night and feel good, pretty much all the time.


- David

Spring & Opportunities are in the Air

Welcome to May - Happy May - Day - Cinco De Mayo (I think I messed that up), happy Beltane, and if I forgot a holiday I apologize. It is a great time of year and in Oregon we are having sunshine, is hard to not just go out and play.

I've been so busy since returning from San Juan I am forcing myself to just "stop" (laugh) and let some thing settle. Last weekend I volunteered my time with a good friend who does Foster Care for Young Men in our state. He does a program called "Waking the Warrior" once a year for his boys and other young men. The last event is an overnight in the wilderness with a voluntary jump into a glacial fed river. This year all the young men make the jump. I know it sounds crazy but something powerful happens when a young man facing doing something he doesn't want to do, does it, and then comes out changed in a positive way. It is also a powerful bonding experience.

No, our IQ Money Team doesn't need to do that (laugh), but we can - I'm up for it. I've participated in "men" events like this since 1998 when I attended a "Men's Weekend". We men in our culture tend to get isolated from each other. We can become very predatory and isolationist not trusting each other (for good reason) and in many ways we've lost ourselves. We embrace the "warrior/hunter" side - in our careers and businesses, but we often are out of touch with our "father" side, and as we grow in life experience the "sage/elder" side of things.

What does that have to do with commercial real estate investing? Nothing and everything. I'm sharing tidbits of my life so you can get to know me. The IQ Money Team founders - we're three men coming together to use our talents and abilities to go into new directions in our lives. Right now we are creating this in our spare time though it has been a full time effort along side our current professions but we feel it is a worthy work because besides the money what we are doing is a life enriching experience.

(We found a DEAL in our back yard on Friday - I sent a note out to folks, we'll probably miss this one unless a miracle comes together, but it gives me a insight that my current ROI projections are conservative. DEALS don't come around all the time, but they do show up from time to time. I am looking forward to the day when our "team" knows and trust each other so that when any of us find a "deal" we announce it to the team, bam the resources we have are activated and we can move fast in both the analysis and the financial power to just pull the trigger on good deals using "cash", and then optimize it and get the principle back out while we all enjoy the long term benefits of a self sustaining well managed and maintained asset.

Once principle is back out of an acquisition - there isn't any risk if something goes wrong. I love our business process it is so simple and makes so much sense. But people do not know me, or our team yet. I have a whole new website update in mind to include audio and some video interviews so people can get to know us. Lawrence and I have also talked about doing a road show of sorts but the truth is we do no need a lot of people to make this team work if we are working with Qualified Investors. 3 people with 5 million capacity we can buy solid deals pretty much on demand.

Our plan calls for a planned 2 year optimization process before getting principle back out of properties as an expectation in today's economy. The "Deal" that showed up I suspect I could get most of the principle out in 90 days, and have the property optimized in less than 12 months, probably 6 months. People are selling property for different reasons. We don't have 10+ CAP properties show up in our back yard because we are 6 CAP area. We could literally acquire and then refinance almost immediately without optimizing the property. Optimizing simply increased value. I need 8.9 million to make a cash out offer. If I had a team that could handle that, I suspect we could acquire it "cash" for under 8 million which would push the cap rate up significantly.

OK, I have to let that go (laugh), I got the word out, these types of deals show up for those who are "in the game" and are ready to take action on them. Our team is not in place yet, I'm still revamping our paperwork because I want to protect each team member and their principle in the event of say - we get into a deal together and I get hit by a truck or something, now what? The written plan and agreements have to cover these kinds of catastrophes so nobody gets hurt by normal life stuff while at the same time protecting the "mission" or the "project" and the "team".

Many businesses rely on a "key" person or "rain maker", and isn't it great to be in a financial groove when you find a niche to pursue. Cherif for example found a niche in Old San Juan that is where he build his wealth working small deals. I applaud him. He was in the right place at the right time with the right resources. Can I duplicate his success? Not really, not until I find my own niche, at the right time, and right place with the right resources. That is pretty limiting for any of us. Does it work?

Yes absolutely. Jeanne my S.O. found a niche online in jewelry, she sells stuff online around the world and does very well.

I see a bigger niche in commercial real estate but beyond the money when I say I want to form a money team, unless you know me you won't fully understand what that means to me. Whom ever you are reading this - you have hopes, dreams and aspirations. It is our nature to dream bigger and do more.

In looking over my life (45 years worth as of June 14 this year), when been working hard and "getting by" there wasn't much time to think about much of anything outside of myself and the needs of my family. Some call this the treadmill of life. Career, or self employment, or business development - we establish a way of life for ourselves.

I noticed when I do well financially in a time efficient way I find myself looking for ways to make my world a better place. It could be blogging, working on a writing project to getting information out to others and thinking - really looking at the world around me and pondering solutions to real problems. It is frustrating to see the solutions, but not have the resources or influence to inspire changes. I touch peoples lives all the time with thoughts and insights. One of my tag lines is:

"You and I cannot change the world. We can change OUR world. If enough of us change our world, the world will change."

If you are wondering what motivates me it isn't greed. I've been there - greed gets things done but it is and empty energy and even addiction. I am really into this team concept.

Two years ago I went downtown Portland with a friend who wanted some advice. We walked around, I bought some homeless kids some McDonald's food (laugh), they asked politely. I was inspired to lay down in the middle of Pioneer Square (It's a gathering place for the city in the center of Portland.), and look up at the stars. So my friend and I did that.

Within a few minutes we had probably somewhere between 15 and 30 homeless teens wanting to see what we were seeing and there was this whole group of us staring at the stars. To make a long story short a dialog began about the many things these young people could do if they worked together to better their lives. What was interesting to me was non of them asked us or anything. They shared their hearts and dreams - and I was moved by that. I helped them see their current lives in a different perspective and where they could go from there. I helped them think a little differently. We also talked about healing their relationships with their parents and going back to school and things.

When I was creating this plan, I thought of them. Years ago I had the idea of a "Secret Millionaire Project" - it was about enabling wealthy people to covertly get in the middle of a situation like that and through the combined network of resources help a "team" exit the rat race while at the same time teaching them life and business principles to help "create" a better world.

We need a new class of wealthy people in both political, and financial power in the world. We need more "Henry Fords". Not everyone is going to be a successful and wealthy business owner or investor, but those of who are - we have to (in my opinion - and not everyone - OK), but for me, I have a responsibility to teach what I know and help inspire and one of my motivations is to put financial resources behind what I do.

Last week I met a new friend who has a dream/vision for a community that focuses on kids. She's aligning herself with a non-profit and is expecting a fairly large resource infusion coming into her life. I outlined a sustainable way of deploying resources for her non-profit community and even how benefactors could actually help in a way that benefited the community long term and expand their own asset base at the same time so that they can help even more good causes.

I read about someone giving xyz organization 10 million dollars, or 100 million dollars and that is fine and good, impressive and admirable and then those assets are taxed and or managed by a committee that doesn't have a clue as to how such assets could/should be managed, and often they are manged through a mix of both fear and greed and an arrogance shows up within the receiving organization that is now financially empowered.

I don't know - most of the wealthy people I have met are amazing and interesting people and our culture is such that most end up having to isolate themselves from their own communities. People start treating them differently and it is just odd how we have lost touch with "community" or our genetic tribal instincts from days gone past.

There are good solid sustainable opportunities for wealth preservation and advancement. We do not need to be predatory to pursue them and there is no need for the usual and customary risks (gambles) most people take. There is no need to find that super special secret to get lottery level wins in business or investing. It's great when they show up, but like any casino the longer you play at a gamble the odds stack up against you and usually deplete your gains/wins. Just look at every one's retirement portfolios - all the gains of a life time of participating in the Stock Market casino's and traditional paths wiped out in months and a few years. Gambling is like that.

Our team doesn't gamble, we have no need to. Our process is compounding because we approach the process from an advantage we can only gain from building trusting relationships with each other and functioning as a team. These processes are duplicatable.

My friend Brian who I mentioned who does Foster care - I spent a few hours with him last week to apply my team concepts and real estate concepts to his current business plan. He started exploring the team concepts and discovered a new type of care facility (a niche) that the Federal Government is pouring $$ into for the actual building of the facilities. He's in the perfect position to not only capitalize on the opportunity but expand his reach and impact dramatically through contribution. Each center he establishes will probably make $30,000/mo net at least. I'm waiting to find out the details because this is a combination of a "B" quadrant business opportunity - i.e. self running, self sufficient, and a commercial real estate opportunity.

It is something the IQ Money Team would put a plan together around to support the literally development of commercial real estate backed by long term federally funded cash flows for an growing sector of need.

Anyway - this is all a very spiritual thing for me. I navigate my day through making contributions around what presents to me during the last 8 months this whole Commercial Real Estate knowledge and management team surfaced.

Since opportunities are now surfacing, that means to me that the financial partner team must be close to coming together. Ultimately my vision here is about simple, sustainable financial and asset expansion for all team members that are in alignment with similar values and principles.

I call it Independence through interdependence. I have a model I developed about 5 years ago where a "secret millionaire" can go into any group of homeless individuals, inspire them to come together as a team with their talents and resources and create a self sustaining business process whereby the homeless can help the homeless through the ancient concept of "free enterprise", that has turned into something odd today. (laugh).

Anyway, that is one of my pet projects I want to test sometime in the future. There is also the "Helping Wave" project that was a part of that which I think will revolutionize how the species of humanity helps each other. I've seen some folks play with some things that are similar. That is another personal pet project of mine.

Behind all of this is a desire to help humanity evolve to another level and people need hopes and dreams that inspire them to do more, be better and compete, and I firmly believe we can do that without fraud or milking & bilking each other. We no longer need to be predatory as part of our business processes (thinking of the banking and investing industry in particular) - I sense that our IQ Money Team concept can redefine that whole mess, and we can do it by quietly setting the example and we'll wake up one day with a financial powerhouse of cash flow, assets and a team in alignment with a new set of life views and business principles that we would be able to literally buy out Chase, or Wells Fargo, etc., and bring to those organizations a human resource policy plan and customer service model that isn't predatory.

I think a lot about these things. When I think I have learned to thing large, global and unlimited. My friend Brian is thinking about 3 centers, when he was talking to me about it last night my mind was thinking of 300 centers per state around the U.S.

Peter can design the centers
Brian can managed the Government and Licensing part of it
Lawrence and I will hammer out the legalities and business terms, standards and processes
I'll take care of the IT side of things so that is uses technology for proper monitoring of quality and control and keep things efficient.

300 Centers per state - you get the idea. One of my governing contexts is to make $$ no longer an issue. A point is reached for each of us where money is irrelevant, we have it, we have the cash flow, now what?

The "now what" is where I live. I want men like Brian to be financially empowered and independent. He'll make this work, he's already doing well financially and he's always achieved anything he's decided to pursue. He'll build it from the ground up.

I'm think - humm, if we could put $10,000,000 behind his business plan, or even $100,000,000 but not in the usual and customary way - but in a dynamic way - we solve an evolving care facility problem in a sustainable way, we create solid jobs and opportunities around the U.S., and we empower a man like Brian to take his concepts of contribution which once he is financially empowered - to literally transform the foster care systems of the U.S.

He knows what is wrong, he's been doing it as the #1 results based Foster Care provider in our state. Anyway, he's just one example of a man with a vision the IQ Money Team concepts could come together around for mutual, sustainable benefit.

That is all I have around this posting for today. I need to get to work on our website this week, (laugh). I need to hire a team of personal assistants! Someday soon!


- David

Monday, April 27, 2009

Quick Update - What's up with the IQ Money Team


(this is a quick post/draft - please excuse the many errors - please read for content. I don't have an editing staff (yet) - laugh - I was inspired to get this out tonight before going to bed and it's been a long last 72 hours) - David

OK, first of all, I wanted to drop a note of thank you to a few people who have let me know they are keeping an eye on what we are doing. I have so much to share and not much time to share so I'm going to try to keep this brief.

Wow - OK, Peter and I took a trip to a special syndication seminar. (Very Expensive) there were a total of about 20 people there; half were there as advisers, the other half were there to pitch commercial real estate projects and learn about syndication.

I was there as guest of Peter's. (We sort of turned it into a two for one kind opportunity.) I felt I made significant contributions while I was there. I think some people confuse my confidence with arrogance. I have a bit of both in a "positive" and productive way. I actually did not want to go to this event because I already knew what we were doing was superior, but - it presented and my spiritual perspectives require me to explore what presents. Certain things came together that made it clear to me that I was suppose to go.

Bottom line for me - I met some nice people; and I got to meet and get to know Cherif Medawar on a first name basis. (A side note: Peter, Lawrence and I attended a Commercial Real Estate training last year through Cherif's organization and that is how I reconnected with Lawrence - it was one of those "destiny" moments.

There is a lot of varied information on the web about Cherif and his training organization - and I get where some folks are coming from that have negative remarks. All "seminar" business people follow a similar model. I have a few complaints/comments myself, but no with Cherif, but that industry in general. I shared some ideas with Cherif on how he could be the first to revolutionize that model.

We'll see if he honors the source of those insights (laugh). If not, that is ok. I didn't share everything I know about team building because there simply was not enough time. I'm open to working on adapting my model to his training which would transform the end results of his students.

Cherif is a brilliant, interesting and successful man and I enjoyed my time getting to know him. I enjoyed looking into his eyes, listening to his words and getting a sense of who he really is. You can do that when you stay up to 1 am after a long day with someone solving weird yet fun "math puzzles" and discussing strategies.

I shared some of our IQ concepts with Cherif and he was inspired enough to change some of the training on the last day as a result.

One of the first things I got out of the event was a knowing that the IQ Money Team concepts which are rooted in a lot of principles I have been exploring over the last 9 years is better than anything I observed presented in regards to syndication. Cherif shared a Syndication he's currently involved with.

When I reviewed what he was doing compared to what we are doing - I had to disipline myself to not be too enthusiastic, as it was I sense my confidence may have come across as arrogance to some that were there, though during some of the presentations some modified their contexts and adopted some of what I shared the evening before. That felt good because #1 - they honored and cited the source of some of their inspiration, #2 - they already had good ideas/plans, the IQ concepts applied simply took things to another level.

What I noticed is how limited or "small" all the projects where, including Cherif's. I notice a lot of limitation, and even the affluent participants present (all very nice people), had some in congruency between intentions and application of their own business processes and perspectives. There is a level of "being" that all present struggle with.

Cherif impressed me because as a business man and investor - how he has approached business and life - reflects some core principles that I have rarely seen in anyone at any financial level, stuff most people I think would not pick up on or understand.

Frankly, I'd love to have Cherif on our team at some level. He' the kind of person even if I did not know about his success that I would want in my life. That really is what any team I form is about. Who do I want to explore and experience life and have fun with?

Something I have noticed among the affluent is "isolation", and what good/fun is that. There are good and logical reasons for that and I think I have a lot to offer in the whole "life" side of what we are doing that has little to do with "money", but a lot to do with prosperity and enjoying life. I felt that I had a lot in common with Cherif and enjoyed our time together. We've exchanged some e-mails and even a few text messages (laugh). I have a new "billionaire" friend. He even owes me a favor. (laugh)

What is funny is one of the last things we talked briefly about was that. I let him know I didn't feel like he owed me anything, but I'm not going to turn down such a favor, but I didn't want any favors from him unless he truely felt inspired and at peace about it. I really like the man and want to get to know him as a friend outside of business stuff. It is hard to convey that unless and until you are at a similar financial status.

Anyway, his training, concepts and organization is sound backed by honorable intentions. Some of his trainers may be a bit self serving an his organization uses some of the usual and customary approaches to marketing that are common in the training industry/business - which in my opinion opens the door to misunderstandings.

We'll see, I shared some good stuff with Cherif, we'll see how those seeds take root and grow. Regardless I got more out of the event than I expected and I was impressed with the quality of the people present. I was disappointed by a few things and I shared that with my typical sense of authenticity. It may not of been appreciated by one of Cherif's staff members, which is OK. As Cherif commented to me he appreciated my candor on a few things.

I am almost always very polite about stuff, but I will ask the unasked questions that needs to be asked, but most are afraid to say. I've learned the hard way - that those are the very things that really should be looked at. Authenticity is important. So much of our legal and business paperwork does not address the "unsaid" it is stunning. It is like we want everything to be impersonal and sterile - yet dealing with money, especially other people's money is deeply personal.

I want my team members, friends, partners to spend more time looking into my eyes and heart than just legal agreements (the IQ agreements were written by me, and edited by Lawrence and I, lawyers we let look at these things last - because we want this to be personal!) I for one do not want to hide behind an Reg-D or Public Offering Disclosure - yes, I'll follow the rules, but you'll find much more than legal jargon in anything I put together.

It is stunning to me how "fear" and "greed" and "avoidance" comes into play with these things. Anyway, It is after midnight and I'm editing this post and running out of steam (laugh).

Years ago I helped a client put together a Reg-D syndication that didn't come together because the "investor" ended up not having the funds - I'm familiar with the processes. It was good to get a refresher.

All a syndication is - is a shorter version of a public offering that I could sum up in a single paragraph or even sentence.

"Your money is at total risk. You have little or no recourse. If successful you'll be paid (insert the deal here), we are selling XX units at $$ a unit with a minimum of XX units".

I suspect few people ever really read or fully understand the details. A public offering is similar but more exhaustive in the details and disclaimer. As an attorney told me last year "This is the $150,000 document that nobody reads but everyone has to have to do it legally." - I'm sorry but that is sad testimony of what "Free Enterprise" has become.

What a waste of $$ (in my opinion) it is huge barrier to people transforming their ideas into a business that need funding. (I will not get on my financial discrimination soap box today.)

I realize I am over simplifying things but these documents are similar to software licensing agreements which can be summed up as "We the software company have all the rights and no liability, you the end user have no rights or recourse and all of the liability. If you do not agree then select "no" and our software will not run, if you agree, then select "yes" and you can use our software.

These processes don't protect anyone from anything and they inflate the cost of doing business, and they over complicate a lot of things.

I had to chuckle because our IQ Business processes are simpler, safer (in my opinion). That became clear at the Syndication event.

I'm pumped up about it and showed and shows (laugh). I believe in America and the concept of "Free Enterprise". A point is reached in all of our lives where taxes and expenses are irrelevant (it is a matter of stewardship rather than need is what I am referring to.)

I am amused (many are not) by all the IRS seeking out "Tax Havens" going after the "Wealthy", yet I know for a fact - that is just the tip of the financial tax iceberg. They are ignoring a lot. Frankly, I don't care what someones tax bracket is - anyone or any business having to pay 40%+ in taxes - it just doesn't seem to be fair and we have a complicated tax system that just doesn't make any sense. To think that federal taxes use to be voluntary and a 1 page form!

If history teaches us anything - especially with currency - is that when the currency becomes weak and or may fail/financial collapse, the coffers of the wealth are pursued. I'll have to dig through some of my history books on the topic and cite some references. I am not saying that is "right" it is just historically what has happened, and the "little people" often go hunting down the wealthy in their communities. Some AIG executives got a non-violent taste of that when hurting folks started showing up at their expensive homes.

I'm not make any judgements here at all, I'm just stating the facts. Our system of wealth production and business - is rooted in some power and amazingly good contexts but our current "business as usual" application of those principles has been modified and adjusted rooted in predatory and greed based practices that in my view have always been unnecessary but you have to have a bigger vision and understanding of life beyond just "$$" to see and understand that.

At the end of the day - we all will survive no matter what happens. I have my own opinions as to how things could be simplified and solved simply and fairly. I've written the President and my representatives with my ideas. (Taxes, Health Care, Insurance, Crime/Prison Reform). Who knows, maybe someday I'll run for President as an independently wealthy man, backed by teams of teams of wealthy people who don't need any more money, have all the time in the world to take their knowledge, experience and resources to work to make a real and sustainable impact.

Oddly enough - its already happening.

Greed, fear, and what I call "command and control" is NOT what Free Enterprise was founded on. I'm even seeing books on "Greed is Good". We all deal with Greed - to me - greed is when you are willing to compromise your own personal principles in order to achieve "gain", we've had a lot of "greed" around, money and power in America.

Lawrence, Peter and I have struggled with it. We know what the "market" is out there, what bank CD's are paying, what syndication returns are doing and we wrestled with not putting in all the benefits and normalize our plan to the market. What helped us navigate that "greed" was re-asking "Ok, what is the world we want to live in, knowing what we know?" - ours is a prosperity model, not a fear or predatory model - i.e. everyone wins, we win, our financial partners win and we protect our financial team members principle - by design.

I think Henry Ford is my hero in this department. He paid "double" prevailing wages for his factory workers, he built schools, hospitals and housing developments. He was not a "socialist", he was capitalist, it was good business to take care of his workforce and creating opportunities for them to pursue their dreams vs. just milking them for profits and productivity. He revolutionized the world with insane things. I think he'd understand the IQ concepts and get excited about them.

I was very encouraged after listening to the presentations including Cherif's - knowing we had developed something better, more powerful and interesting. The syndication and opportunities that I observed paid out 6% (one of them tax free, which is like 10% in a 40% tax bracket), no equity benefits like our IQ program.

We did learn a thing or two about Tax & Insurance planning that was impressive. I'm in the middle of a major overhaul of our IQ Team Member agreement. Some of the things we learned I do not want everyone in the world to know about and I am working on non-compete, non-circumvent, non-disclosure agreement, the information is that good.

Most businesses that have $500,000 or more taxable income liability can have that liability cut in half, legally without leaving the U.S.A. Not a scheme, it's in the current IRS code, and even has safe harbor laws around the approach. We learned something that to the best of my knowledge only the people in that room were privy to.

We also learned the importance of "Where" within the U.S.A. that has some very specific advantaged tax laws. I was stunned and I have pages and pages of notes and some of this will have direct impact on IQ Money Team Members, and I have some ideas I'm working through to modify and update our IQ Money Team plan.

Lawrence, Peter and I wanted to take our concept(s) to the general public and the bottom line is though we can do that without violating SEC regulations (in my opinion), we do not want to antagonize the SEC so we are currently restricting what we are doing to work with Qualified Investors Only. Non-qualified investors/citizens - if our concepts are inspiring - I want everyone interested to drop me a note anyway.

One of the biggest things that has been reinforced for me over the last 90 days is the importance of building a team - and that is more than just about money or raising money. It is about getting to know each person personally and caring about them personally.

We've all heard the saying "All for one, and One for All" - that is what the IQ Money Team is all about. Peter, Lawrence and I have created a business process, we are not pitching a "project" or "property", which is something that I found very interesting.

Syndication(s) are about a specific property and money is tied up and invested in the syndicate (i.e. NOT IN THE 1ST POSITION), which means principle is at its highest risk. It's nuts. (laugh), I keep looking for a catch in our program.

Name brand financial advisers are warning people about anyone advertising anything above 6% ROI/APR returns, globally calling them "high risk" or "out right scams". I shake my head in disbelief - these are the same licensed advisers that advised people into the "mess" we are all facing. The power they have when they make a statement is stunning.

Though I would love to put together a $100,000,000, I realized that to accomplish our $100,000,000 business plan, I just need 3, maybe 4 qualified investors with at least $5 million capacity each and we can work our plan simply and powerfully.

I still want to change the world (laugh) - and it will start with this initial team. I have some people I need to get back to and get to know (who are probably reading this - I know who you are and again I say thank you for your notes, and patience!)

I am validating a spreadsheet I am going to make available so that team members can model what their funds would do in our IQ plan. Our plan is dynamic rather than static so throwing out a % return doesn't work. The IQ Equity Effects is a totally separate business process from private money loans, which we normalize to 10% Annual ROI by contact - principle is protected by actual commercial property, interest is protected by the actual lease contracts of the property(s). I'm told I can't use the words "guaranteed" anymore.

So, if I did use such term, as I have shared many times - when you see the word "guarantee" - always ask/investigate what backs that word. So from this point forward, you'll see me talk about what is behind protecting principle, and what protects the Contract Interest Rate, and what any projections/PROFORMA is based on, along with any assumptions I make. Even my conservative assumptions seem like blue sky compared to what I see happening. My 5 year projects average/normalize ROI"s at 15+%, 10 years of the IQ process is 19+%. Seriously I am almost afraid of showing my spreadsheet because they are not aggressive #'s.

I was stunned my them myself, why? I didn't make my spreadsheet until after we hammered out our business plan and contexts. Once we created "Our World" the way we wanted it to be - then - I created the spreadsheets to validate the #'s to see if it was even viable. I was blown away by it.

There was one person at this syndication event that had a special line on some REO properties (it was a hot, once in a life time deal kind of thing.) I suggested he look at going after the entire regional REO portfolio (about 30 million $$ needed), it is/was pretty much a no-brainer 5 year plan. He original was looking for somewhere between 2 and 5 million dollars, by thinking small, he was missing literally 20+% of the deal. I think I even know of a funding source or two that would be interested. (I put the word out, and then he never got back to me after the event, just seems odd to me.) His opportunity is one of those rare "once in a lifetime" almost no-brainer things. But - BUT, there definatly is some risk there compared to the IQ approach.

That is what was so interesting. His plan was very agressive and unique - with powerful possiblity and yet, our IQ Approach had similiar annualized ROI returns to match his, without the risk and without requiring that "once in lifetime opportunity".

The IQ Approach isn't rooted in "once in a life time" anything. It is rooted in finding very specific types of properties in very specific physical geographies or in geographies with very specific population demographics, etc. I had a meeting last week with a friend of mine who is now in Commercial Banking (he was a residential Loan Guru), he's the guy I go to when I want the straight scoop on lending. Banks have created a list of "high risk" tenants by actual name, and by type/classification. We are adding that criteria to our acquisition analysis.

Once we have a solid team that trusts each other and has proven itself - this become about everyone working towards everyone winning - this goes way beyond ROI, APR. We can do things as team - but our core - is a process rooted in simple common sense that we can repeat in any economic market. When things are "booming" again - we can take advantage of those things too! There are "once in a life time" opportunities that show up, all the time, but what good is a business plan or process if that is what is needed in order for the plan to work?

Team work - here's an example. Lawrence who is a licensed health care provider and his wife decided to come out of retirement to open a new clinic - because he misses being involved with healing people and has become (with his wife Jeanne) Certified Life and Wellness Coaches.

What does that have to do with the IQ Money Team? Lawrence and his family is a resource to me, and every person on the team we are forming. I and my family are a resource to Lawrence, and every person on the team as is Peter and his family, as is every IQ Team member - it has really been hitting me that we are forming a "Life team". Commercial Real Estate (our approach) is the ultimate process for protecting money and putting money to work and it does not require being predatory, and there is no need for greed, or the risks most people take rooted in fear or greed.

Lawrence loves being a Healer. I love IT work and problem solving/strategy, Peter is one of the most gifted Architects (and Scout Masters) I have ever met.

A dear friend of mine (Brian) is probably the top Foster Care provider in our State, he specializes in working with young men/boys, the worst in the state. He's the only person who gets results. His track record is 2nd to none. I spent the weekend with him and his boys out in the wilderness volunteering to help inspire, lead and teach these young men important principles about being a man, integrity, etc.

Last week I took the IQ Contexts (which have roots in something I call Helping Wave), and I helped him create a virtual "team", rooted in these contexts. I realized that what I am doing here I can teach and bring to anyone with a vision and the process will work for them. As I write this - I know that those that are attracted to this - some just want solid - arm chair investment that works, others - like Lawrence - maybe they've retired (or semi-), but they want to be involved with something not just to put their $$ to work but they have talents and resources to bring to a team.

At the Syndication event - this was a random group of (I counted 18 families represented) which included 1 Camera man, and 1 Personal Assistant - I worked backwards on what would be needed for each family present to add an additional $30,000 a month to their cash flow.

Moving forward, besides financial capacity - I want to get to know all of our IQ Team members and perspective team members personally. I suspect that tax things and geography things I learned can/will have dramatically positive impact on their lives.

Its getting late and I need to catch some rest. Part of what I am doing is simplifying all the information I have to share. I'm a perfectionist at times and very detail focused. A carry over from living a life of doing mission critical IT work - is extreme attention to details - which is all well and good - but slows things down sometimes and I have to learn to accept some imperfection(s) - laugh.

I am so excited to be sharing this stuff, and simplifying. Peter found a 10 CAP property that profiles our acquisition model here in Oregon. It' s unheard of, we're getting and LOI out on it this week. There are so many good deals out there right now - its stunning. I love all the commercial real estate "fear" going on too. Our edge is the "process" that is dynamic while the rest of the world is totally immersed in "static" processes and/or rely on those "once in a lifetime" situations.

I promise - I will be re-opening up the special access area of our website. I will be updating documents and information over the next few weeks, but what is most important as that we all begin the process of getting to know each other. I want to know our members talents, dreams, goals and aspirations - this not just about $$ but about life and living.

Peter and I had a great time together on our trip. I sat there listening and learning - but I have to be honest - some of it just didn't seem relevant to me anymore with what I know. Not sure yet if Cherif is going to grab some of my ideas and run with them (laugh), without honoring the source, which I guess is fine because in order for a team as I envision it to work - it requires a baseline of core values and common interests that eliminate most predatory, or greed focused people.

Our team will do it right, and I am now totally convinced we can achieve similar if not better results that those taking normal and expected "high" risks, without the typical "low" risk approaches. My sense is that this team that is being formed - our principles and approaches are going to "rock" the financial world and our model will be adopted by many. We have so many barriers to business and there is so much fraud going on regardless of regulations, and SEC this and that - if we can show people that we can achieve outstanding results without the fear, without the greed, or all the negative baloney that goes on - why would anyone bother with "old ways" of doing things.

OK, so much for a short posting. I feel behind on my sharing and there is so much I want to share and there is so much that has to get done. I am so excited to share Peter and Lawrence with all of you. Peter did a presentation that blew me away (not so much his deal - though it was one of the better one's being presented) but his presentation skills I was completely impressed.

I'm just going to have to accept that not everything is going to be perfect as we bring financial partner team members on board. I am so committed to protecting principle as a core foundation I am boarder line arrogant when I see the plans of others who do not protect their financial partner's principle.

Namaste' and Bright Blessings to everyone, and thank you.

I really mean "Thank You" - we started this journey last year - literally creating "Our World" from scratch, listening to legal counsel that just didn't understand our concepts and then finding some who did. It has been an amazing amount of foundational work, followed by deep soul searching and brutal interrogation of our concepts and plans.

The feedback, notes and inquires we've received have validated that we are on the right track. I promised folks we wouldn't spam anyone (laugh), and I've been getting the sense that people want me to send out more e-mails and notices. My compromise is this Blog, but I got the hint, I will start sending out more status e-mails. I am going to drop in some audio clips as well. Lawrence tells me people need to hear my voice and enthusiasm. We are also going to do some video clips (out at Lawrence's home) - he has a beautiful home in Oregon.

We have so much we can do together - and it is so much more fun to be a part of a team with people with similar core values and integrity. I think our team members once they get a solid taste of not only the financial results but being a part of a team with my model - they are going to want to want more and Lawrence and I have already discussed this - an I am working on it developing a model for helping any team member we work with - deploy our contexts and concepts and work with them on that.

Our world needs new leadership at all levels to solve real problems in a sustainable way. We have the model and I sense we already have the team forming up. We just need to spend a little time getting to know each other and that is going to start happening during the next few weeks.

- David